Friday, July 15, 2011

flashback friday

i was lurking my own blog the other day because people do that, right?  shutupitstotallynormalokay???  anyway, i found this post from back in the day - like november '08 style.  you have to read it because i am flippin' hilarious sometimes but the kids in my class top me most of the time.  check it out:  is that a banana in your pocket?

1 comment:

Sonya said...

Sam, I ended up flashing back on your entire blog. I loved it. You have such a natural humorous style. If you wanted some day this could be the start of a book. This would be something I would read ( I love memoirs). Check out this book that would be a good style for you, A Girl Named Zippy. Thanks for the laughs while I'm waiting for hubby to wake up and start driving me to Colorado!