so i watched this sermon that one of our pastors gave a couple weeks ago. we missed it because the brockhaus weren't at church to make the pastor call us... but then amy came home and told me to watch it here (it's the 1/3/10 sermon, holla!).
i was in tears for most of it. it was filmed, i believe, two sundays before this earthquake in haiti and it showed chris brown (our pastor) walking around haiti and showing the poverty that abounds there. at the end he asked the congregation to please consider sponsoring a child from haiti (side note: it turns out that our church ended up sponsoring something like 700 children that weekend).
so then about a week later this earthquake came and wrecked havoc in haiti. tearing it apart from it's very roots. and reading or listening to the news makes it seem like they (haiti) are falling off a cliff into a pit of awfulness with no safety net. and in the end i thought:
God obviously knew what was going to happen. and although thousands of people are still unaccounted for and we still don't know the full extent of the devastation... God knew this was coming. and he set up a foundation of people that couldn't be torn down. and a network that won't lose service or connection that weekend at our church. all of these people got onboard to help that country just before this disaster - and now they already are connected to help. right?
so i don't know. i guess i just wanted to write and say... how awesome is God? that even though it seems like the horrible news from haiti won't stop - it will. eventually. because He knew what was coming and He started to pull together the threads of that safety net.