Sunday, July 12, 2009

we're back

wow! it's been too long... really. so here's a quick update. we moved! after much drama, many mishaps and just as many chiropractor's visits to work it all out, we are moved into our house! little by little we are fixing small things, painting, and trying to figure out what the previous owners were thinking....

jack is loving having a big carpet area to sit on. and that's about all he'll do on it. sit. the boy has zero interest in crawling but i did see him scoot on his bum to get a block once. once. he will, however, walk like a crazy person if you hold onto his hands for him. he loves it! we "chased" pepe through the house the other day - i use that term very loosely... it was more of a slow mosey but we caught up to him a couple times.

both dogs are stoked about our big backyard that they can run in... pepe kind of does a perimeter check every once in a while and greco is trying his best to sniff out gophers. so far he's done a fantastic job of catching quite a few dirt clods. give that dog an "a" for effort.

matt and i are enjoying having the summer off... we all went camping for a week right after school is out and we're trying to get the most out of our zoo passes. matt is also channeling his inner "mommy" and watching jack during the week when i'm down in del mar. (p.s. you gotta hand it to del mar - they may have money but they still have some wackadoos).

anyway, matt went to vegas for the weekend and so i got some quality scoob time. we went to brunch at the gaare's and the beach with the brockhaus (holla!)! i think a good time was had by all. i'll try and add some pictures to this post when i get them uploaded (and backed up on something, right andrew?)